
The whole world is waiting to celebrate the lovely Valentines Day..
Valentines Heart
Valentines Day
Valentines Day
Valentines Day
Valentines Day
Valentines Day
Happy Valentines Day..

Valentines Day Special HQ Wallpapers | Love Backgrounds





Happy Valentines Day 4 all in Love Special High Quality Wallpapers | Red Heart Wallpapers, Pink Fuzzy Bears Backgrounds,
Lovers Kissing HD Wallpaper, Wallpapers for Girls inLove, 14 February Wallpapers.
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Love Wallpapers

Hihg quality wallapers.. Specially for Lovers :)
Here r the two hearts..
Love Wallpapers
Two hearts (one heart inside others heart) like the lovers.. !!
Love Wallpapers
Touch ur lovers heart by sweet words..
Love Wallpapers
All u need is LOVE..
Love Wallpapers
What a cute teddy.. I think girls love these :)
Love Wallpapers
Cute lines in wallpapers..
Love Wallpapers
This post for Lovers.. Comments pls..

Abstract Wallpapers

High Quality Wallpapers..
Donate the lungs :) he he..
Dont ever play with me :)
Common jump and swim !!
Im always first in running.. So I am the winner..
Ha ha creative photoshop work..
Need your comment seriously..

Special Wallpapers

High quality wallpapers. Open wallpapers in new window..
I like the first two wallpapers a lot :) Wat a creative photoshop work!!
cute Wallpapers
This is always my desktop background..
cute Wallpapers
Even this.. This s for fathers who take care of their children :)
cute Wallpapers
This is for LOVERS !!
cute Wallpapers
This s for the guy who is not in love :)
cute Wallpapers
ha ha nice post na!!

Awareness Wallpapers

This is the post, every one must see.. Posted with social interest..
Wat a creative add!!!
Make ur child aware of everything...
We can get the meaning of this add with out reading the lines. :)
This s for creating awareness for wearing helmet..
Can u guess the meaning of this add with out reading the lines in wallpaper.. !!
Please call 1098 .. Dont forget this number..
Plant more trees.. I think only Indians can understand this add :)
Be a good friend with ur children.. Tell them every thing including drug abuse!!
Submit your valuable comments and tell ur suggestions also..

Fantasy Dream Green World Widescreen Hi-Res Wallpapers



Fantasy Dream Gree World Widescreen 1440x900 High Resolution Wallpapers , Abstract HQ Backbrounds.
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Pongal Festival

Pongal Festival - A festival celebrated in Southern part of India.
The first day of Pongal known as 'Bhogi Pongal' is a day for family gathering and is dedicated to Lord Indra. A huge bonfire of useless things in home is lit. The houses are then cleaned till they shine and are decorated with kolams.

The second day of Pongal known as 'Surya Pongal' is dedicated to the Sun God. The granaries are kept full on this day and Sun God with his rays are painted on a plank as he is worshipped with the birth of the new auspicious month of Thai (Tamil month). A special dish is cooked on this day in a new mud-pot that comes in innovative shapes and have artistic designs on them called 'Pongapani'. A colorful sugarcane market is also set up on this day.

The third day known as 'Mattu Pongal' is dedicated to the cattle as cowherds and shepherds pay thanks to their cows and bulls, wash them, paint their horns and cover them with shining metal caps. They are fed 'pongal' and tinkling bells are tied around their neck. Cattle races are conducted and in the game called 'Manji Virattu' groups of young men chase running bulls. Bull fights called 'Jallikattu' are also arranged at some places where young men have to take the money bags tied to the horns of ferocious bulls single-handedly and without the use of arms.

Hello catch this Bull...

The fourth day is celebrated as 'Kanni Pongal' when unmarried girls cooks Ponggal wishing for wedding bells soon.
Its always necessary to get blessings from elders.. Don miss it..

Wish you all Happy Pongal..

Pongalo Pongal

Happy Pongal
Pongalo Pongal..
Happy Pongal
wish you all Happy Pongal.

2009 BMW RZ M6 Concept 1920x1440 HD Wallpapers | Backgrounds

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2009 BMW RZ M6 Front , Back , Side view , Concept Car 1920x1440 & 1600x1200 High Ddefinition Wallpapers | High Quality Backgrounds.